Posts in Entrepreneurship
Confessions of an Entrepreneur - The Emotional Grind

Being an entrepreneur, though extremely rewarding, is not for everyone. It is emotionally taxing and consistently challenging. Having been an entrepreneur since I was in high school I can tell you, starting earlier in your career definitely helps a lot. Your world is less bombarded with the usual priorities and social expectations of fulfilling some unspoken checklist of life milestones by a certain “proper” time. Once you hit your 30s, the world seems to try at every opportunity to test your resilience.

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Day Before Thanksgiving

I am sitting at the Austin airport as I write this, about to leave for Colorado to visit my brother in Denver for Thanksgiving. While I am waiting, I’m busily trying to write posts and generate buzz about our Academy qualified film, My Heart – Ya Albi. Academy qualified. It doesn’t seem real. I remember a few years ago watching the Academy nominated films in the movie theater and thinking that my filmmaking was still a long way from the caliber of those films. Yet, here I am in the airport in 2017, only a few years later, trying to promote our film that could potentially be nominated for an Oscar. It is quite surreal.

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