
WEEK 1-4

The biggest objective for the first 4 weeks is to identify and prioritize your passions. THINK BIG. DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELF. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF MONEY WAS NO OBJECT? 

Anything can become a business, as long as it is something you are willing to dedicate a lot of time and energy into. Aspiring entrepreneuers run into a few common challenges. See if you recognize any of these issues.

  • Do you have a wide range of interests, passions, or skills and cannot decide what to focus on? 
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of making such a large life decision that you mentally shut down, which leads to procrastination or giving up?
  • Do you mentally limit yourself due to years of conditioning? Perhaps people have told you that you cannot do something or you are so used to thinking about life in terms of practicality and money that it hinders you from being able to think outside of the box?
  • Do you feel unhappy and stagnant in your current job? 
  • Do you feel scared about the future?

Objective of the PASSION PROGRAM

  • Identify any and all potential interests and passions
  • Delve into why each of these passions and interests are important to you
  • Discover links and commonalities between your list of passions
  • Prioritize the passion list based on your life goals
  • Identify ways to generate income and build a business around your list